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Учитель английского языка МБОУ "Школа №60 города Донецка"
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School attendance should be voluntary.”


Schools give students a basic understanding of the world around them, the basic ideas about how society works, about their history or about basic science, teach how to learn.

Schools teach everyone the same knowledge, but children are all very different and ‘one size doesn’t fit all’. The lessons and subjects at school are often not necessary for children to be successful when they are older. School doesn’t develop the student’s individuality.

Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. It prepares them for getting a job.

Students should be managers of their time themselves. They have different life rhythms therefore it is better for their psychological health to plan the time for study and rest themselves. Moreover in future they will be able to use the knowledge of time managing in choice of their job.

Many students enjoy and benefit from school, they have many friends there and the teachers help them with their study.

for some students the experience is not so good. Some may be seriously bullied; others may struggle with learning or simply find it boring. It cannot be right to force children into a place which causes them so much fear or frustration.

Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning academic subjects, students need to be in class. In class they receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge.

There are many other ways to learn ‘lessons’ from life. Young people can learn from parents or family members. Often, practical knowledge is much more useful than ‘academic’ book knowledge. There are many examples of famous people who left school at the earliest opportunity but still managed to be far more successful than people who stayed at school much longer: Diana princess of Wales, actors Джим Керри, Том Круз, Николас Кейдж, Николь Кидман.

Governments and parents may force children to study at first, to give them more skills and options for their lives.

It is not the job of the Government to tell people what a good or successful life is. If a young person is happy to spend their time on hobbies or with friends, and if they don’t mind having more difficulties with work when they are older, then that is their choice. Many people who spend their lives constantly studying and working end up being lonely, unhappy.

From an economic point of view, if class’s attendance were optional, many resources would be wasted. It is to say that teachers' wages, maintenance of building, class equipment, and the like, have to be paid, no matter what the level of attendance is.

Schools and teachers are very expensive (often using up to 10% of all the money governments spend). This money is wasted when it is spent on children who don’t want to learn, or worse, cause trouble at school and make life harder for other students. Having to provide fewer school places would save a good deal of money, and make schools even more effective for the students who choose to go.


Schools teach everyone the same knowledge. The lessons and subjects at school are often not necessary for children to be successful when they are older. School doesn’t develop the student’s individuality.

Schools don’t just teach ‘information’, but try to give students a basic understanding of the world around them. How can students decide what subjects interest them if they don’t understand them? And even if students can find jobs when they are older, it is still important that they understand basic ideas about how society works, about their history or about basic science. Schooling creates well-rounded young people who understand their place in the society and the world. This won’t happen if students only learn what they need to get by.

Students should be managers of their time themselves. They should plan the time of study and rest themselves.

Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at that place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.

It cannot be right to force children into a place which causes them so much fear or frustration because they have difficulties with study or they are bullied at school.

Schools can and must do more to solve such problems as bullying, and learning difficulties. But the children affected by these problems are the ones who need more help from school teachers and psychologists. In many cases just one good teacher or subject can change the way a student feels about school and learning. If we let children walk away at the first problem, many students will never get the chance to be happy at school.

There are many other ways to learn ‘lessons’ from life. Young people can learn from parents or family members and there are many examples of famous people who left school but became successful.

We can use only our fingers to count such people. But we never hear about the majority of people who leave school and then struggle for the rest of their lives. Also, in the modern world it is far harder to learn one skill and stay with that choice for a lifetime. People today change careers four times in their lives. Children who learn a wider range of skills will have a better chance to get a job when they are older than someone with just basic knowledge in one or a few areas. And school can give children such wide range of skills and knowledge.

It is not the job of the Government to tell people what a good or successful life is. If a young person is happy to spend their time on hobbies or with friends, then that is their choice.

The students in school are not enough mature to take the decisions about their life. Voluntary attending school can result into a disastrous outcome such as instead of coming to classes they may get engaged in bad company which will ruin their whole life.

Schools and teachers are very expensive. The money is wasted when it is spent on children who don’t want to learn. From an economic point of view, if class’s attendance were voluntary, many resources would be wasted. It is to say that teachers' wages, maintenance of building, class equipment, and the like, have to be paid, no matter what the level of attendance is.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to welcome the judges and the team of opponents. We are the proposition team in the person of the third speaker ___________ of the second ________________ and me _______________ of the first speaker.

The motion for debate today is: “School attendance should be voluntary.”

Nowadays, it becomes a heatedly debated topic whether a school student should be required to attend classes or not as modern technologies changed all the spheres of our life and education in particular.

We as today's proposition strongly believe that “School attendance should be voluntary.”, but before we come to our actual argumentation, let us first define some important terms in this debate.

Let me introduce definitions on our topic taken from the Cambridge dictionary:

attendance - the fact of being at an event or going to a place;

school-a place where people, esp. young people, are educated;

student - a person who is studying at a school, college, or university;

voluntary - done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it:

We as today's proposition/ have structured our case as follows:

I, as the first speaker, will be talking about ...
● Our second speaker, ..., will elaborate on the fact that ...
● And our third speaker, ..., will do the rebuttal.
Let me come to my first argument.

The current version of EDUCATION LAW of the DPR dated 06/20/2019 gives

freedom of choice to receive an education according to the inclinations and needs of a person, the creation of conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including the right to choose the forms of education, forms of training.”

We can choose learning externally, family learning, home learning and school learning of course.

That is why we think that attending school should be voluntary.

The idea of public school is based on a factory model which, at the time (1900s), was a good thing. It fits the original purpose public schools were created for. Factories were great at creating uniform products cheaply. The goal of public education was to cheaply raise the minimum level of education, to provide reading and math instruction so children would be employable as adults, and to keep the kids off the streets (especially those of the working poor where both parents needed to work.) It was a public service. It was never designed to serve the individual.

The factory model is the worst possible model to develop an individual’s talents, interests and skills. The factory model allows schools to be awful because all it’s designed to put 30 children in a room with one teacher and some books. The children are different. And they have the same set of school subjects, the same amount of time to do tasks. Therefore our first argument to go to school voluntary is lack of individual development.

Our second argument is flexibility in time managing.

There is a tremendous amount of freedom within the day, the week and the school year for homeschoolers. You don't have to get up early in the morning, stand in line for the bathroom. You don't have to have lunch at exactly 11am every day, for exactly 15 or 20 minutes, with a lot of kids shouting nearby. You don't have to do math at exactly 9:35, even if you'd really rather finish that novel because you just got to a really good part. For homeschooling families it's nice to plan vacations based on when it's most affordable and convenient for the adults, not when the school has holidays.

A student himself set the time for work, rest and communication with friends.

And for all of these reasons, the motion must stand “School attendance should be voluntary.”


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, dear judges and opponents.

I am the second speaker of the proposition team. But before I come to my own arguments, let us first have a look at what our opponent has said.

We met with the counterarguments of our opponents and absolutely disagree with them. The first (second) argument of the opposition team: "_____________". They say that _______________________, but we think that _________________________.

We continue to insist that “School attendance should be voluntary,”

I support the two arguments presented by our first speaker __________, and I will introduce a new one, I will make a brief conclusion on our case. Today we are discussing the topic: "School attendance should be voluntary."

I agree with the statement that going to classes should be optional for students since I believe a student is supposed to attend those classes he or she is interested in. Naturally, interest is the mother of study. When attracted by a wonderful class, you will attend it enforcedly and immediately. Nevertheless, not all classes are so popular in reality and no one has interest in every class. Consequently, you should select the classes you like to attend for a higher efficiency of studying. And the second reason to select classes to attend is requirements of your future job.

Considering all of the above, we think that "School attendance should be voluntary."


Hello ladies and gentlemen, distinguished judges and opponents. I am the third speaker of the approval team. We continue to discuss today's topic: “School attendance should be voluntary.”

We got acquainted with the criterion and arguments of our opponents and absolutely disagree with them.

The first (second, third) argument of the opposition team: "_____________". They say that _______________________, but we think that _________________________.

We still insist that school attendance should be voluntary.”

Attendance should be optional. I say this because the state shouldn’t waste money on kids who refuse to go to school anyway. And when those kids are forced to attend school, they are disruptive, rude, and bully kids who actually want to be there.

Kids, who are failing at all aspects and have no intention to put any effort towards an education and actually show up, shouldn’t have the opportunity to ruin the experience for kids who are interested in obtaining an education.

Generally there are two different types of people, there are the night owls the morning larks. The term morning lark describes someone who naturally wakes up and works best early in the morning compared to late at night and usually goes to sleep earlier, compared to night owls who naturally stay up later into the night and thus tend to wake up later into the day and generally function best at night.

The lead researcher, Dr Elise Facer-Childs, of the University of Birmingham's Centre for Human Brain Health, said that night owls tend to be compromised throughout their lives".

She said: "Night owls during school have to get up earlier, and then they go into work so they're constantly having to fight against their preferences and their innate rhythms."

Therefore not all the students at school have equal opportunity to be good at study because classes start early in the morning.

Taking into account all of the above, we are sure "School attendance should be voluntary."


Ladies and gentlemen, as we see the topic of today's debate is very relevant, because not all the students understand that attending school is not the only way to be educated because modern technologies changed all the spheres of our life and education in particular.

Our government gives us opportunities to choose the way of receiving our education.

We can choose learning externally, family learning, home learning and school learning of course.

That is why we think that attending school should be voluntary.

Our first argument is lack of individual development at school.

Schools teach everyone the same knowledge, but children are all very different and ‘one size doesn’t fit all’. The lessons and subjects at school are often not necessary for children to be successful when they are older. For example, very few adults do jobs based on history, or art or geography. Children can just learn what they need to know or what interests them. This is much more efficient and sensible, especially with internet connections in almost every home to give them access to all the information they need.

Our second argument is flexibility in time managing.

Students should be free in managing their time because their life rhythms are different.

Our argument is based on scientific research.

The lead researcher, Dr Elise Facer-Childs, of the University of Birmingham's Centre for Human Brain Health, said

"Night owls during school have to get up earlier, and then they go into work so they're constantly having to fight against their preferences and their innate rhythms."

Therefore not all the students at school have equal opportunity to be good at study because classes start early in the morning.

Our third argument is psychological health of students.

Many students enjoy and benefit from school, and it is important that schools exist. But for some students the experience is not so good. Some may be seriously bullied; others may struggle with learning or simply find it boring. It cannot be right to force children into a place which causes them so much fear or frustration.

Taking into consideration given all above, we are confident: “School attendance should be voluntary”


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to welcome the judges and the team of opponents. We are the opposition team in the person of the third speaker ___________ second ________________ and me _______________ first speaker argue that "School attendance should be voluntary."

We agree with the definitions of our opponents, but do not agree with their criteria and arguments.

Before I come to my own arguments, let us first have a look at what our opponent has said.

The first (second) argument of the proposition team was: _____________. They say that _______________________, but we think that _________________________.

Our first argument is that attending school students can work more effectively.

Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning academic subjects, students need to be in class. In class they receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge. The best teachers do more than just go over the material in the class textbook. They draw their students into discussion of the material. They present opposing points of view. They, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject. Teachers' lectures usually have synthesized and well-organized information contained in several textbooks, so students can save a lot of time and energy learning this information. Compulsory attendance to classes helps students work more effectively.

Secondly, attending classes students get the knowledge how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they've learned to other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can't learn them just by reading the textbook. The students can also solve their doubts promptly, since they can turn to the teachers for help immediately in class. On the contrary, the students would lose their chances to resolve their problem when missing classes.

Taking into consideration given all above, we are confident: “School attendance should NOT be voluntary”


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, dear judges and opponents.

I am the second speaker of opposition team. But before I come to my own arguments, let us first have a look at what our opponent has said.

We met with the counterarguments of our opponents and absolutely disagree with them. The first (second) argument of the opposition team: "_____________". They say that _______________________, but we think that _________________________.

We continue to insist that “School attendance should not be voluntary,”

I support the two arguments presented by our first speaker __________, and I will introduce a new one, I will make a brief conclusion on our case. Today we are discussing the topic: "School attendance should be voluntary."

Another reason to attend classes is that, you will be benefited from discussing with your classmates if attending classes. Different people have their own special capability. One person cannot be good at every aspect. What is the best way to share your knowledge with others and learn from others? Go to the class. A teacher always gives some topics for students to discuss. In the discussion, you will be surprised that so many great fresh thoughts are pushing to you from your colleagues and they are free.

Participating in class discussions is a good way to start meeting other students with whom you share an interest. You may form a study group, borrow class notes if you miss a class, or team up with other students on a group project. You may meet students with whom you form a lasting relationship, developing your network of contacts for other benefits in the future.

Taking into consideration given all above, we are confident: “School attendance should NOT be voluntary”


Hello ladies and gentlemen, judges and opponents. We continue to discuss today's topic: “School attendance should NOT be voluntary.”

We got acquainted with the criterion and arguments of our opponents and absolutely disagree with them. We continue to insist that School attendance should NOT be voluntary." ________________.

We believe that the criterion of our opponents ___________ does not reflect the entire problem of the issue under discussion since __________.

The first (second, third) argument of the proposition team was: _____________. They say that _______________________, but we think that _________________________.

We believe our ___________ criterion is more correct, because ______________.

Our first argument is in class students receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge and get the skills how to learn.

While listening and taking notes in class students can understand the subject better than if they just read it from their books. Teachers use a considerable amount of stories and examples when explaining the subject and those examples could help you understand better the concept and remember it.

Our second argument is that, you will be benefited from discussing with your classmates if attending classes. Students can learn from each other’s questions and comments. Sometimes, other student’s point of view could be the exact information you needed in order to understand the subject. Students enrich each other and usually have the same problems with a subject. For example, as I was growing up I was very shy and never asked my teachers questions over things I didn’t understand. Luckily, I could always rely on other students to ask the questions I never had the courage to ask.

Our third argument is socialization.

In the classroom we meet new people. While studying you spend a lot of time with the same people that are most likely to be your closest friends. That kind of closeness could start by simply having a study group after school and before the students realized it they would spend their spare time with those people. Most of the best friendships originated at school.

Taking into account all of the above, we are sure "School attendance should NOT be voluntary."


Ladies and gentlemen, as we see the topic of today's debate is very relevant, because not all the students understand the importance of attending school.

Analysis of our debates identifies the main areas of collision and I will try to show the best aspects of our arguments,

The first issue was about individual development at school.

Our arguments are stronger because schools don’t just teach ‘information’, but try to give students a basic understanding of the world around them. How can students decide what subjects interest them if they don’t understand them? It is still important that they understand basic ideas about how society works, about their history or about basic science. Schooling creates well-rounded young people who understand their place in the society and the world.

The second issue was about time managing.

Attending school students learn responsibility and discipline that prepares them for getting a job. In future they will work in offices and companies most of which have strict time of work. Being at that place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.

The third reason to attend school was socializing.

Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. Here they're with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal.

Last but not least, from an economic point of view, if class’s attendance were optional, many school resources would be wasted. It is to say that teachers' wages, maintenance of building, class equipment, and the like, have to be paid, no matter what the level of attendance is.

To summarize, I would like to say that it is important to understand that life is complex and it requires seriousness and responsibility from us, to realize that not everything will always be the way we want. Therefore, our team is confident that attending school is the first step towards realizing this.

Мы задаем вопросы оппозиции

How can students achieve great results, for example, in sport or dancing if they attend school not voluntary and their trainings are several hours long?

People are divided into morning larks and night owls according to their life rhythms. Do they have equal opportunities to be good at study if classes start early in the morning?

Мы задаем вопросы пропозиции

How can students be motivated to work systematically if they don’t go to school and work on their own?

If students study at home on their own how can their progress be valued and marked. The teachers don’t know if they do their tasks themselves.

Voluntary attendance doesn’t mean leaving school at all. Students can go to school when they need and solve their problems with study.


https://debatewise.org/debates/3008-school-attendance-should-be-voluntary /


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